Tuesday 20 June 2017

Life brings changes and so we adapt

Life evolves and so does social media: at an even faster rate it would seem! The latter brings many positives but also erodes our time and so we must be selective regarding which platform it's  best for us to use to connect with the outside world.  

After much reflection I have decided to make this my final post on my blog.  I am not going away but focusing my energies, for the moment, to Instagram and Facebook.  I will also be adding to my website.

Thank you for your interest in my work.  I hope we can still stay connected and with that in mind, here's where we can maintain contact:

Instagram:            macro.in.focus

Facebook:            AVTinFOCUS    with Alison Tinson

Website:               http://www.avtinfocus.com

And for my final offering, a delightful dahlia I shot this week.............

Monday 5 June 2017


South Beach Miami: an area of colour, of great food and music - very much influenced by a strong Latino presence. A bucket list location!

South Beach Miami : une zone de couleur, un espace idéal pour bons repas et musique - influencé par une forte présence de Latinos.  Il faut y aller!

Sunday 28 May 2017

PERPIGNAN , Pyrenées Orientales

Perpignan, the closest city to home

Perpignan, la grande ville la plus proche de chez nous

In coming weeks there will be more photos introducing you to Perpignan

Dans les semaines qui viennent il y aura encore des photos pour vous montrer Perpignan

Sunday 21 May 2017


Céret, in the south of France, a Catalan town, is well known for its cherries.  In fact it is named after the cherry and each year, the first cherries of the season are sent to Monsieur le President.  Mr Macron can look forward to his delivery in 2018!

Céret, au sud de la France, est bien connu pour ses cerises.  En fait, la ville a été nomée ainsi puisque Céret veux dire cerise en catalan et chaque année, les premieres cerises de la saison sont envoyés au Président de la France. Mr Macron doit anticiper sa livraison en 2018!

At this time of year, on every corner, cherries are for sale - by the roadside, from private garages and gardens: everywhere!  I can vouch that this year the cherries were excellent!

Il y a des cerises partout en vente et les cerises de cette année sont excellentes!

This weekend the cherries were celebrated at the annual Fêtes des Cerices which takes place over the weekend, Saturday and Sunday.  Coaches bring people in to enjoy the event such is it notoriety

Ce weekend c'était la Fête de la Cerise et des bus ont apporté des personnes de touts les coins de la France et tout le monde a profité de cet événement.

Here we have cherry beer for sale.

Il y avait même des bières goût cerise.

There is even an asociated sport held each year:  he who spits the cherry stone the furthest along the red carpet wins a cherry tree!

Il y a un sport associé à la fête: le crachet de noyau de cerise et celui qui le crache le plus loin sur le tapis rouge gagne un cerisier!

Cherry banners hang from the Plane trees in the town centre

Des drapeaux de cerises ont été étendu d'en haut

Ceramics commemorate the occasion 

Des céramiques commémoraient l'occasion

Key rings, earrings, shopping baskets, caramel flavoured popcorn and cherry macaroons are on offer to tempt customers.

Des portes clefs, des panniers, du popcorn saveur cerise et des macarons en forme des cerises etaient là pour faire craquer les visiteurs.

#fetedescerises #ceret #catalunya #france  #cherryfestival 

Sunday 14 May 2017


For three weeks I was without my camera as it needed to be repaired - we were reunited just 24 hours ago and here is what we have produced today!

Pendant trois semaines j'ai été sans appareil photo car il a eu besoin d'etre réparé.  On s'est retrouvé il y a 24 heures et voila les photos que nous avons prises aujourd'hui! 

I came across a veritable harvest of poppies today: perfect subject matter

J'ai trouvé une véritable récolte de pavots aujourd'hui: des sujets idéals!

#macro #macrophotography #poppies

Sunday 7 May 2017


I was in Barcelona yesterday, delivering my son to a test centre for a four-hour exam.  Whilst he fretted over his test paper I was able to wander through the city which was mighty busy with tourists but there was a fabulous 'buzz', as always.

My camera is currently being repaired by Nikon and I very much felt its absence as I wandered around the city. Here I caught the shadows of the students entering the test centre on my phone

This guy looked typically cool and was playing fabulous Latino music as he rode through the streets

One can't enjoy Barcelona without indulging in tapas!

And a visit to the mercado off Las Ramblas is a must

My son has another exam in Barcelona in June, by which time my camera should be on fine form, and I will enjoy capturing the city again


Sunday 30 April 2017


Monday my neighbours were sunbathing in their garden

Lundi mes voisins ils ont bronzés dans leurs jardin

Tuesday temperatures fell - and so did new snow and the Canigou was resplendent!

Mardi la temperature a baissé  - et la neige est tombée!

#snow #lecanigou #ceret #pyreneesorientales